Amp-3 First Aid Kits

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Website Updated!

Today, I spent most of the afternoon updating and getting our website better looking and working correctly. Since I am not a website programmer, it was a lot of trial and error. I think that it’s working better and I hope that you like the way it looks too!

We have some downloadable documents like my 100Essentials which is my list and you can add your own as well. David has put together Useful Scanner Features for Preparedness. Situational awareness is a critical preparedness skill set. Download to learn more about how it can help you. As well as Preparedness Communications and Everyday Carry.

We will be adding more in the weeks to come so stay tuned! Hope that you all are staying on top of your preps and I will have some additional information in the weeks to come. Always remember that planning is a huge part of preparedness! Work your plan with your family so everyone is on the same page.

Attending a Preparedness Expo in your area is also a great place to get resources. Please leave a comment and see you next week!

This is my under the bed box in case of Earthquakes! Send me your pictures!