
Water Preparedness

Week Five is all about Water-Water is essential!

Everyone knows that you can last about a week without water and this depends upon the conditions such a extreme heat or exercise. Going three or four days without water will be longer then most of us will be able to do. At lease 60% of our bodies are made up of water and we need water to keep our bodies going. Water acts as a lubricate for our joints, regulates our body temperature through sweating and respiration and helps flush waste.


In preparedness, water is at the top of the list of what you need to have on hand. How much is always the question but you will never have enough. We have ten 15 gal water containers filled at all times. The Reliance Aqua-Tainer from Sportsman Warehouse are affordable and great to have on hand at your home or office.

In Portland, OR about 2 years ago, there was a panic that the Bull Run Reservior was contaminated. People were racing to the store to buy water and all the shelves were striped clean very quickly. We didn't have to worry because we already had out containers filled. 

Some other items to have on hand are The Berkey Water Filter system. Berkey water filers provide the ultimate in waterbourne contamination removal. Get the largest one the you can afford and an extra set of filers. The Berkey can serve 4 to 150 people with a single unit. You should consider having one of these at your work and home. You never know where your going to be when your going to need it. You will happy that you have this when the time comes that you need it. 

We believe in a layer system for your water needs. Having multiple systems will give you the flexibility to have systems and home as well as in your bug out bag while your on th move. While on the move, think about having The Life Straw. These are affordable, mobile and make contaminated water safe to drink. A stream, lake, water trough the life straw will remove bacteria and protozoa. We have these in our bug out bags and have used them in Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks. 

We hope that this will help you with your water preparedness needs. Share your ideas with others!